Friday, December 15, 2006

On the Civic Virtue

On the Civic Virtue: And hence, I ponder, what does it mean to be a good citizen? Does it entail the faithful following of all laws created by the state? Or does being a good citizen involve being an ethical person? The life of Martin Luther King Jr. is certainly a plausible answer to this last question. His founding of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) surely corroborates that idea. But how does the civic virtue interconnect with the state? Nietzsche often referred to the state as 'The New Idol' in which man consistently relinquished his freedom since he perceived it as the ultimate objective reality. In fact, Hegel's 'Objective Spirit' made the state out to be the highest form of reality provided that it combined the forces of law and consciousness. Neglecting the possibility of an afterlife, the secular forces of postmodern society teach man to revere the state or else it will inevitably consume him. Natural Laws, however, do not originate with the state, and thus, they are infallible. Yet since state laws are always imperfect, man must continuously work to correct them in the name of justice. But what drives justice? Justice is a woman who loves fairness, and therefore, her incessant drive for creating a moral economy makes her one of the only women I have ever loved.

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